SANOCHEMIA Pharmazeutika GmbH
Landegger Straße 7 und 33 A-2491
Neufeld an der Leitha


High quality API synthesis and production

Our own (out-licensed) products galantamine, tolperisone hydrochloride, torasemide and vidone are manufactured in a cGMP-compliant facility for active pharmaceutical ingredients. Some of our active ingredients are approved by European CEPs.

Rules are important to us

GMP-compliant active ingredients

Pharmaceutical quality management and compliance with cGMP rules are also our top priorities for active ingredients. This enables us to guarantee safe and reproducible quality.

From the heart of Europe

Austrian production

Our products have always been manufactured in Austria. The special quality through a high degree of purity of the active ingredients, is for many partners the basis for long-term and trusting cooperation.

We are focused


We specialize in the fields of neurology and urology and support optimal therapeutic options for patients worldwide.


Active ingredient production
from Austria

Since 1998, we have continuously developed our expertise in the field of APIs and have always kept production, technology and know-how in Austria. Also in the future, we want to contribute significantly to the critical security of supply with pharmaceuticals and APIs.

Neurology / Muscle spasms

Tolperisone hydrochloride

The centrally acting muscle relaxant tolperisone hydrochloride is an active ingredient for the symptomatic treatment of spasticity following stroke in adults. It relieves severe muscle spasms and improves patient mobility. Although centrally active, it has little sedative potential.


Vidon® (PVP- Hyperizin)

Vidon is a pioneering technology for the treatment of bladder cancer. As a patented, photoactive agent, Vidon can be used in the diagnosis of bladder tumors.

Neurology / Alzheimer


Galantamine is an active ingredient for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. The active ingredient is an alkaloid from the cholinesterase inhibitor group. Galantamine leads to an improvement in the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Cardiology / Heart Insufficiency


Torasemide is a drug from the group of loop diuretics and is used to treat essential hypertension and edema or effusion caused by heart failure.


Innovation for the future

In our innovation department, we focus on constantly evaluating new ideas and modern technologies to promote future developments. We seize the opportunity to further develop products and production processes, making them more efficient while minimizing our environmental footprint. Our development collaborations with academic research institutes and biotech companies help to gain new perspectives and are an important pillar for Sanochemia’s future.

Our focus is on the sustainable development of projects for green active ingredients. Here, attention is placed on products and processes that contribute to an expansion of the portfolio and can be implemented in the company’s own production facilities. Numerous worldwide patents and patent applications protect the company’s research and development ideas.


High quality active ingredients
from Austria.

We would like to convince you as a competent partner
and look forward to hearing from you.

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