SANOCHEMIA Pharmazeutika GmbH
Landegger Straße 7 und 33 A-2491
Neufeld an der Leitha

Apprentice award for special achievements

For Sanochemia, joint development with employees is an important cornerstone of entrepreneurial activities. It is therefore particularly gratifying that some of Sanochemia’s apprentices were honored for their special achievements: In November 2022, apprentices from local industrial companies were put under the spotlight by the Burgenland Chamber of Commerce. Around 80 apprentices from 20 Burgenland companies were honored with the “Young Stars of Industry” – ranging from bronze to platinum.

Firdevs Bozkurt, Stefan Sedlmayer and Maximilian Schindegger from Sanochemia received the award. The entire company is proud and congratulates them on their great achievements.

“Apprenticeship is a particularly important aspect for us and an essential building block for the future. We are therefore very happy for our colleagues, who really give their best every day and are an important part of the company,” highlights Iris Keller, Director Finance & HR.

Sanochemia Pharmazeutika has set itself the goal of offering an increasing number of young people apprenticeships with excellent prospects for the future in the coming years – including exciting areas of work and development opportunities. In the coming years, the company will therefore continue to search for new apprentices – applications welcome.

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