SANOCHEMIA Pharmazeutika GmbH
Landegger Straße 7 und 33 A-2491
Neufeld an der Leitha

Signing Ferrotran ECR 2024 Sanochemia

New contrast agent aims to detect the smallest lymphatic metastases in prostate cancer

Sanochemia Pharmazeutika secures exclusive licensing rights to a new MRI contrast agent based on ferumoxtran, that is in an advanced pivotal trial in clinical phase III and may be used to detect the smallest lymph node metastases in prostate cancer patients. The product is already deployed in the Netherlands within an authorized Named-Patient-Use-Program (Artsenverklaring).

IThe agreement with SPL Medical (Nijmegen, Netherlands) grants Sanochemia exclusive worldwide rights for parts of the manufacture and global distribution of an MRI contrast agent based on ferumoxtran with the exception of the DACH region. The product, which is currently under development in late phase III at several renowned European clinics, shall carry the registered trademark Ferrotran®. Ferrotran® contains iron-based superparamagnetic nanoparticles and is intended to be used to detect even the smallest lymph node metastases in prostate cancer patients. Research is being conducted into the possible use for other types of cancer.

Ferrotran® will be the second iron-containing product in Sanochemia’s gadolinium-free MRI product range. Only recently, an agreement with b.e.imaging (Baden-Baden, Germany) was announced on the MRI contrast agent Resotran® (ferucarbotran) for the detection of focal liver lesions in adults.

“The two agreements mark the start of a new product line,” said Sanochemia Managing Director Thomas Erkinger. “We are striving to play a pioneering role in the field of gadolinium-free MRI contrast agents. Innovative specialties optimally complement our classic product line in diagnostic imaging”. Both products are based on iron-oxide nanoparticles (USPIO/SPIO: Ultrasmall / Small Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide) and expand the diagnostic options within radiology.

Dr. Jürgen Feuerstein, CEO of licensor SPL Medical: “We are gaining access to the worldwide market of medical imaging via the extensive marketing network of Sanochemia. Within an authorized named-patient-use-program, more than 700 prostate cancer patients have already been diagnosed in Nijmegen with ferumoxtran in the Netherlands, enabling them to receive earlier and more specific treatment and a significantly higher chance of recovery. The earlier affected lymph nodes are detected, the better the chances of recovery with targeted, less invasive treatment.”

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