SANOCHEMIA Pharmazeutika GmbH
Landegger Straße 7 und 33 A-2491
Neufeld an der Leitha

New record on order volumes and capacity expansion at Sanochemia Pharmazeutika

The registration initiative launched by Sanochemia Pharmazeutika in 2021, together with the continuously increasing market demand, has led to a record volume of orders. In 2023, the Austrian producer of pharmaceuticals already recorded remarkable volume growth in its core business with CT and MRI contrast agents. Sanochemia expects this positive trend to continue in the current year. The company’s order record is already visible in April 2024.

Despite the significant rise in raw material prices and increased production costs, Sanochemia has a consistently high export ratio of 97%. A third shift will be implemented at the plant in Neufeld in the fourth quarter of this year. Preparations for capacity expansion and the training of new employees are in full swing.

Through continuous efficiency improvements in production processes and the introduction of the third shift, Sanochemia will be able to warrant efficient delivery times in the future to continue having a smooth process for customers.

Thomas Erkinger, Managing Director of Sanochemia, underlines the company’s goal: “With our passionate team and a distinct focus on European quality, we are determined to position ourselves as a leading provider of specialized MRI and CT contrast agents. By investing in capacity expansion and promising new products, we want to make a decisive contribution to the future of radiology.”

The Sanochemia team remains committed to best serving customers and meeting their needs, even in times of growth. The company would like to thank its customers and partners.

1200 450 Sanochemia
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