SANOCHEMIA Pharmazeutika GmbH
Landegger Straße 7 und 33 A-2491
Neufeld an der Leitha

Sanochemia initiates global roll-out of an Iron-based MRI contrast agent for the liver

Vienna/Neufeld an der Leitha +++ Sanochemia Pharmazeutika is strengthening its position in the field of medical imaging with an exclusive product license for a MRI contrast agent based on iron-containing nanoparticles under the brand name Resotran®. A global roll-out of the liver-specific contrast agent is being prepared.  

Global distribution network for gadolinium-free product range

As part of an agreement with b.e.imaging (Baden-Baden, Germany), Sanochemia Pharmazeutika has acquired the exclusive product license for the MRI contrast agent Resotran® for worldwide roll-out with the exception of Germany, Switzerland and Japan. The product with the active ingredient Ferucarbotran is already approved in Sweden by Sanochemia and in Germany by b.e.imaging. The partnership with b.e.imaging marks the start of a global registration process and leverages Sanochemia’s existing distribution infrastructure in over 50 countries worldwide.

This strategic move marks the start of a future product line of gadolinium-free MRI contrast agents and is in line with Sanochemia’s ambition to position itself as a leading provider of specialized MRI and CT contrast agents.

Complementation of MRI liver diagnostics

The new product in Sanochemia’s portfolio is based on iron-containing nanoparticles (SPIO) and serves as an MRI contrast agent for the detection of focal liver lesions in adults. “With Resotran, we are opening up expanded diagnostic options for liver specialists,” said Thomas Erkinger, Managing Director of Sanochemia. “For us, this is a first milestone on the way to becoming a provider of organ-specific contrast agents and to gadolinium-free imaging.”

“We are happy to have Sanochemia as a partner with a global distribution network, who will make the attractive product Resotran available to radiologists and patients. Where it is technically possible, the trend towards gadolinium-free MRI contrast agents is constantly increasing. This is not only driven by the risk-benefit ratio of the respective medicinal product, but also by environmental considerations. Both of these aspects are in line with the trend,” says Dr. Jürgen Feuerstein, Managing Director of b.e.imaging GmbH, Germany.

1200 450 Sanochemia
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